Status of Multiprocessing4xi - March 27, 2015 Ω 4:11 PM
Multiprocessing4xi library used for various Studio4Xi tasks to efficiently use computer resources such as multiple CPU cores and hard disks.
Tests below are in alphabetic order, to view symbols depicting their status read »creek-symbols
Δ CMS @server + @workstations(localhost:9090/manage_main)
Δ yoStudio4Xi + pcStudio4Xi
Δ yoMultiprocessing4Xi + pcMultiprocessing4Xi
Δ yoScope4Xi
Δ arena4xi Ω actor4xi, after_fork4xi, all_methods4xi, array4xi Ψ acquirerproxy4xi, arrayproxy4xi, autoproxy4xi
Δ test_ball4xi test_benchmark_mp_xi4 Π Ψ baselistproxy4xi, basemanager4xi, baseproxy4xi
Δ coordinate4xi, convert_to_error4xi, cpu_corecount4xi, constants, current_process4xi Ω Ψ conditionproxy4xi
Δ demo1_mp_xi4, debug_info4xi, date4xi, dummy_process4xi Ω Ψ dispatch4xi, dictproxy4xi
Ψ eventproxy4xi
Δ finalize4xi format4xi
Δ gun4xi
Δ hello_pipe4xi, hello_world4xi
Ψ iteratorproxy4xi
Δ free
Δ kskeleton4xi
Ψ listener_client4xi, listproxy4xi,locks, logger4xi
Δ test_math_mp_xi4 Ψ math2_mp_xi4 makeproxytype4xi, manager4xi
Δ test_noun4xi test_namespace4xi Ψ namespaceproxy4xi
Δ test_original_dir4xi Ω test_object4xi
Δ pickle4xi, pipe4xi, print4xi, public_methods4xi Ψ poolproxy4xi, pool4xi
Δ queue4xi
Ψ rebuild_as_list4xi, reduce_array4xi, remoteerror4xi resourcesharer4xi, rebuildproxy4xi
Δ test_sharedctypes4xi, test_skeleton_print4xi, test_sleep4xi, test_state4xi test_sphere4xi Ω Ψ test_server4xi, test_simplexmlserver4xi, test_syncmanager4xi
Δ time4xi, timeout4xi Ψ test_token4xi
Δ uskeleton4xi
Δ value4xi test_verbkb4xi Ψ valueproxy4xi
Δ free
Φ xmlclient4xi xmllistener4xi
Δ yskeleton4xi
Δ zskeleton4xi zap2actor4xi, zap2noun4xi, zap2verb4xi