
Solar Energy Org Domain Δ 11th of January 2014 Ω 11:25 AM

yourDragonXi~ International Energy Agency (IEA)
yourDragonXi~ ACEEE- American Council on Energy Efficient Economy
yourDragonXi~ Dii
yourDragonXi~ ACORE -- American Council on Renewable Energy
yourDragonXi~ ASES -- American Solar Energy Society
yourDragonXi~ TXSES -- Texas Solar Energy Society
yourDragonXi~ North State Building Industry Association
yourDragonXi~ Colorado Renewable Energy Society
yourDragonXi~ Solar Energy Industries Association
yourDragonXi~ Solar Electric Power Association
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
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«Solar Energy Sensing


<yourDragonXi ~ International Energy Agency

»International Energy Agency

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<yourDragonXi ~ ACEEE- American Council on Energy Efficient Economy

»ACEEE- American Council on Energy Efficient Economy
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<yourDragonXi ~ Dii


Bringing the Desertec vision into reality

ξ desertec stands for the vision of a sustainable energy supply from the deserts all over the world
ξ Dii is a private industrial consortium working towards enabling this vision in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa (EUMENA)
ξ the power generated from sun and wind is intended primarily to meet the local demand of the producer countries,
ξ but could also be exported to Europe
ξ the overall objective of Dii is to create a market for renewable energy from the deserts


ξ should be perceived as the development of numerous individual projects in the field of
ξ power generation and transmission and a suitable regulatory framework which will evolve over the coming years and decades

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<yourDragonXi ~ ACORE -- American Council on Renewable Energy

»ACORE -- American Council on Renewable Energy

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<yourDragonXi ~ ASES -- American Solar Energy Society

»ASES -- American Solar Energy Society

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<yourDragonXi ~ TXSES -- Texas Solar Energy Society

»TXSES -- Texas Solar Energy Society

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<yourDragonXi ~ North State Building Industry Association

»North State Building Industry Association

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<yourDragonXi ~ Colorado Renewable Energy Society

»Colorado Renewable Energy Society

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<yourDragonXi ~ Solar Energy Industries Association

»Solar Energy Industries Association


Industry Leaders Forecast Dramatic Growth in the U.S. Solar Market by 2016 with Extension of Credit
ξ the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation that extends the 30-percent federal investment tax credit
ξ for both residential and commercial solar installations for 8 years
ξ legislation is part of H.R. 1424, the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008,
ξ designed to address the U.S. financial crisis
ξ claimed to be the most significant federal policy ever enacted for the solar industry
ξ long-term extension of the solar tax credits expected to create a domestic solar industry with hundreds of thousands of jobs
ξ and to provide clean, affordable, carbon-free energy to millions of American families, businesses, and communities
ξ 60,000 Americans employed by the solar energy industry
ξ Senators Baucus, Grassley, Cantwell and Ensign said having supported of the solar tax credit extension
ξ in the House Pelosi, Hoyer, Boehner, and Blunt, and Chairman Rangel, Ranking Republican McCrery and Rep. Camp
ξ Congress said to given the solar energy industry ‘policy certainty’ that will
ξ attract investment, expand manufacturing and lower the cost of solar energy to consumers

ξ Roger Efird is SEIA chairman and president of Suntech America, a leading Chinese solar power manufacturing company
ξ moving forward with expansion plans to serve the growing U.S. market

ξ by 2016 solar energy expected to be the least expensive source of electricity for consumers

The solar investment tax credit (ITC) provisions will:
ξ extend for 8 years the 30-percent tax credit for both residential and commercial solar installations
ξ eliminate the $2,000 monetary cap for residential solar electric installations,
ξ creating a true 30-percent tax credit effective for property placed in service after December 31, 2008
ξ eliminate the prohibition on utilities from benefiting from the credit
ξ allow Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) filers, both businesses and individuals, to take the credit
ξ authorize $800 million for clean energy bonds for renewable energy generating facilities, including solar

The solar tax credits enacted in the 2005
ξ have created unprecedented growth in the U.S.
ξ the amount of solar electric capacity installed in 2007 was double that installed in 2006
ξ these tax credits turned the solar industry from a small, cottage industry into an economic engine for America
ξ electricians, plumbers, roofers and construction workers can now get back to work
ξ those jobs said to be the backbone of the American economy
ξ and the solar industry is creating them at a time when they are needed the most

According to a new economic study by Navigant Consulting, Inc.
ξ the 8-year extension of the ITC will create 440,000 permanent jobs
ξ unleash $325 billion in private investment in the solar industry
ξ study did not factor in elimination of $2,000 monetary cap on the residential credit,
ξ so the actual job creation and investment could be even greater

Building large, utility-scale solar power projects
ξ need longer timeframes to complete
ξ there are 27 such utility-scale solar power projects totaling 5,400 megawatts of power in various stages of development;
ξ most were on hold due to uncertainty surrounding the expiring tax credits

Solar energy components are manufactured near their markets
ξ extension will create manufacturing and installation jobs in all 50 states
ξ the states expected to enjoy the largest economic boost are
ξ California, Florida, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, New Jersey, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, and Washington

The economies of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio and the rest of the Great Lakes region will grow significantly as a result of the extension.
ξ this area of the country has suffered greatly from a huge decline in jobs in the automotive and traditional manufacturing industries

More than 28 gigawatts of electricity will be produced from solar energy by 2016 – enough to power more than 7 million homes.

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<yourDragonXi ~ Solar Electric Power Association

»Solar Electric Power Association

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<yourDragonXi ~ Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy

»Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
ξ some of the tiniest solar cells ever built have been successfully tested as a power source for even tinier microscopic machines
ξ an inch-long array of 20 of these cells -- each one about a quarter the size of a lowercase "o" in a standard 12-point font
ξ cells were made of an organic polymer
ξ joined together in an experiment aimed at proving their ability to power tiny devices
ξ that can be used to detect chemical leaks and for other applications
ξ Xiaomei Jiang led the research at the University of South Florida
ξ traditional solar cells use a brittle backing made of silicon
ξ organic solar cells rely upon a polymer that has the same electrical properties of silicon wafers
ξ but can be dissolved and printed onto flexible material
ξ "I think these materials have a lot more potential than traditional silicon," says Jiang.
ξ "They could be sprayed on any surface that is exposed to sunlight -- a uniform, a car, a house."
ξ Jiang and her colleagues fabricated their array of 20 tiny solar cells as a power source
ξ for running a microscopic sensor for detecting dangerous chemicals and toxins
ξ the detector, known as a microeletromechanical system (MEMS) device,
ξ is built with carbon nanotubes and has already been tested using ordinary DC power supplied by batteries
ξ when fully powered and hooked into a circuit,
ξ the carbon nanotubes can sensitively detect particular chemicals
ξ by measuring the electrical changes that occur when chemicals enter the tubes
ξ the type of chemical can be distinguished by the exact change in the electrical signal
ξ the device needs a 15-volt power source to work
ξ Jiang's solar cell array can provide about half of that -- up to 7.8 volts in their laboratory tests
ξ The next step, she says, is to optimize the device to increase the voltage and
ξ then combine the miniature solar array to the carbon nanotube chemical sensors
ξ Jiang estimates they will be able to demonstrate this level of power with their next generation solar array by the end of 2008

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