~ the Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) consists of a hierarchical list of more than 8000 procurement codes
~ specially developed by the European Union in an attempt to standardise the classification of goods and services for the benefit of both suppliers and buyers
~ accurate CPV coding ensures the best chance of the the right buyer meeting the right supplier
~ the first 2 digits of a CPV code identify the top level categories
~ the following 6 digits provide an increasing level of precision from left to right
~ the more zeros on the right - the more general the code is

Selected for www.supply2.gov.uk
72000000-5 Computer and related services.

72530000-9 Computer network services.

72242000-3 Design-modelling services.

74231400-1 Energy and related services.

90310000-3 Environmental services.

35311200-9 Non-piloted aircraft.

29852510-4 Sensors.

Options considered:
* 72000000-5 Computer and related services

* 72242000-3 Design-modelling services
~ 74141520-0 Design consultancy services
~ 73300000-5 Design and execution of research and development

* 35311200-9 Non-piloted aircraft
~ 35310000-0 Helicopters and aeroplanes

* 29852510-4 Sensors

* 90310000-3 Environmental services
~ 90313000-4 Environment monitoring system
~ 90311000-0 Environment consultancy services

* 72530000-9 Computer network services

* 74231400-1 Energy and related services