Solar Energy Sensing of California Δ 17th of January 2014 Ω 8:22 AM

yourDragonXi~ XsunX
yourDragonXi~ eSolar
yourDragonXi~ Inter Solar
yourDragonXi~ California Solar Energy Industries Association
yourDragonXi~ TrinaSolar
yourDragonXi~ SPG Solar
yourDragonXi~ Sempra Energy
yourDragonXi~ A&R Edelman
yourDragonXi~ Suntech Energy Solutions
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ Nanosolar
yourDragonXi~ Southern California Edison
yourDragonXi~ BrightSource Energy, Inc.
yourDragonXi~ LADWP
yourDragonXi~ Solar City
yourDragonXi~ Hypersolar
yourDragonXi~ UC Santa Barbara
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ

«Solar Sensing of U.S.


yourDragonXi ~ XsunX


ξ have focused on the development of thin film amorphous technologies and products due to inherent advantages of amorphous silicon over other solar absorbers
ξ In addition to the superior per watt performance thin film amorphous benefits from nearly thirty years of process development and research.
ξ This extensive body of work has also produced a knowledgeable and experienced vendor base providing access to improved semiconductor device technologies
ξ resulting from years of incremental improvements to manufacturing technologies in related areas such as
ξ thin film transistors, memory devices, and high performance opto-electric coatings.
ξ have engaged a select group of these vendors and established a primary and secondary vendor for each major system component

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yourDragonXi ~ eSolar


Low Cost Solution
ξ eSolar heliostats were designed from the ground up to minimize every possible cost.
ξ By leveraging established commercial suppliers to mass manufacture thousands of small heliostats,
ξ eSolar realizes economy-of-scale benefits at much smaller power plant sizes than traditional solar generation techniques
ξ heliostats are designed to fit efficiently into shipping containers to keep transportation costs low
ξ they are pre-assembled at the factory to minimize on-site labor
ξ the result is a considerable capital cost reduction compared to existing solar thermal power plants

Fast Installation
ξ eSolar has designed a solar field layout that minimizes installation time and cost
ξ by employing a repeating frame structure and a revolutionary calibration system,
ξ eSolar has eliminated the need for high-precision surveying, delicate installation, and individual alignment of mirrors
ξ minimal skilled labor is needed to build the solar field,
ξ allowing for mirror deployment efficiencies that scale with project size and deadlines
ξ from permitting to construction, plants come on line quickly, and that means more power to satisfy renewable portfolio goals

Low Profile Heliostats
ξ fields are also designed to withstand extreme conditions after installation, including hail, lightning, and earthquakes
ξ the small size of eSolar's heliostats means a very low wind profile,
ξ which translates into higher reliability in all wind conditions, lower risk of wind damage, and more power plant up-time
ξ eSolar heliostats are mass manufactured
ξ complete replacement units can be stocked on site and installed quickly at low cost

Modular, scalable architecture
ξ eSolar's revolutionary approach to power plant design revolves around a tiered delivery model
ξ power plants are structured on a 33 MW base unit, called a module,
ξ consisting of several thermal receiver towers, each with a field of heliostats
ξ these modules are replicated as many times as necessary to fit specific power requirements
ξ modules can be constructed in series to continuously meet long term energy goals,
ξ or in parallel to deliver large amounts of energy quickly
ξ scalability allows for customized project solutions that feature low cost, short installation time, and power deliveries from 33 MW to over 500 MW

Reliable and Stable
ξ a direct consequence of plant modularity,
ξ operational redundancy is a key advantage eSolar plants have over traditional power generation methods
ξ Power plant reliability is safeguarded by both the replication of the critical components within each module,
ξ and the repetition of modules within a power plant
ξ If one thermal receiver tower is off line,
ξ the other towers in a module continue to produce power
ξ If one entire module is off line, power continues to be generated by the other modules in the plant
ξ For both large and small installations, this redundancy provides a high level of energy security under a wide variety of operating conditions

ξ Solar thermal power systems use reflected sunlight as a heat-source to drive electric generators
ξ unlike photovoltaic systems which use semiconductor materials to directly convert sunlight into electrons,
ξ solar thermal systems use the sun's heat to create steam to power electric generators
ξ these zero-silicon systems are an efficient alternative to large-scale photovoltaic solutions
ξ Solar thermal is the most cost effective way to produce utility-scale power from the sun
ξ By replacing the front end of traditional power plants with a clean, renewable power source,
ξ solar thermal technology provides a hedge against the price volatility of fuels such as natural gas
ξ In addition, solar thermal plants naturally generate the most power during the peak electricity demand periods of the summer months
ξ Other forms of renewable energy fail to provide the same peak load matching qualities
ξ Solar thermal technology is also adaptable, and can be a significant contributor to a cogeneration power facility
ξ By providing peak-load generation capabilities, solar thermal can supplant baseload output from other forms of generation
ξ Several approaches to implementing solar thermal technology have been attempted in the past,
ξ including parabolic trough, power tower, and concentrating dish techniques
ξ Each of these approaches has advantages and disadvantages,
ξ but none have yet proven successful at generating energy that is cost competitive with fossil fuels
ξ eSolar has deconstructed the conventional solar thermal wisdom, and
ξ delivers a new cost competitive approach to solar thermal power generation

The Market
ξ Worldwide electricity consumption is projected to double by the year 2040
ξ this demand represents a multi-trillion dollar market for building and operating power plants
ξ the growth of renewable energy generation to serve this market presents the single largest financial opportunity of the 21st century
ξ In the world's most arid, remote areas, the Sun is the most abundant source of energy
ξ Enormous solar resources from California to Australia can be tapped to generate clean, renewable power
ξ In the Southwestern United States, the amount of solar energy falling on an area the size of a basketball court is equivalent to 650 barrels of oil per year
ξ Concentrating solar thermal technology can capitalize on this powerful source of energy
ξ while providing significant environmental benefits
ξ A 100 MW eSolar installation avoids 195,000 annual tons of Greenhouse Gas production from fossil fuel power plants;
ξ this is the equivalent of taking 38,000 automobiles off the road every year.

ξ Pasadena, Calif. – April 21, 2008
ξ closed $130 million in funding from Idealab,, Oak Investment Partners etc
ξ for the construction and deployment of pre-fabricated power plants
ξ designed to address the complex issues surrounding large or utility-scale power projects,
ξ eSolar’s distributed solar thermal plants achieve economies of scale at 33 MW
ξ are modularly scaled to fit the needs of large and small utilities
ξ the eSolar™ power plant is based on mass manufactured components
ξ designed for rapid construction, uniform modularity, and unlimited scalability
ξ tather than over-engineering the solution
ξ eSolar’s smart scalable solar architechture targets seen as the four key business obstacles facing the sector:
ξ price, scalability, rapid deployment, and grid impact
ξ the typical utility-scale installation faces huge construction costs and requires large tracts of real estate,
ξ combined with expensive transmission line improvements to bring the power out of the deserts and into the cities
ξ eSolar’s modular approach stands in direct contrast to this ‘bigger is better’ strategy
ξ eSolar has replaced expensive steel, concrete, and brute force with inexpensive computing power and elegant algorithms
ξ this new method of installing a solar power plant minimizes costly civil construction and the use of heavy equipment,
ξ dramatically reducing project cost and deployment time
ξ centering on eSolar’s 33 MW pre-fab form-factor,
ξ the company’s modular design translates to minimal land requirements
ξ solutions are tailored to fit local resources and produce a low environmental footprint,
ξ favoring a straightforward siting and permitting process
ξ myriad locations combined with a multitude of interconnection options mean
ξ that eSolar can deliver more clean, carbon free power where it is needed: near the cities and towns where it is consumed
ξ eSolar’s primary business goal is nothing short of making solar electricity for less than the price of coal, without subsidies
ξ eSolar is the only cost effective solution that can deliver gigawatts of solar energy generation at market prices today,
ξ because they have developed a truly disruptive scalable solution that can be deployed rapidly
ξ eSolar has secured land rights in the southwest United States to support the production and transmission of over 1 GW of power
ξ eSolar will have a fully operational power plant later this year in southern California

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yourDragonXi ~ Solar Power International

»Inter Solar

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yourDragonXi ~ California Solar Energy Industries Association

»California Solar Energy Industries Association

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yourDragonXi ~ TrinaSolar


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yourDragonXi ~ SPG Solar

»SPG Solar

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yourDragonXi ~ Sempra Energy

»Sempra Energy

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yourDragonXi ~ A&R Edelman

»A&R Edelman

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yourDragonXi ~ Suntech Energy Solutions

»Suntech Energy Solutions
»California Institute of Technology

Caltech Elects Solar!
ξ Caltech and the City of Pasadena to cast their votes for a future in solar energy
ξ officially "turning on" Caltech's first production solar photovoltaic array—the largest of its kind in Pasadena—
ξ located on the top deck of the Holliston Parking Structure
ξ Pasadena Mayor Bill Bogaard;
ξ Caltech President Jean-Lou Chameau;
ξ Harry Atwater, Caltech's Howard Hughes Professor and professor of applied physics and materials science;
ξ Andrew Beebe, managing director of Suntech Energy Solutions;
ξ Todd Michaels, senior vice president of project development and marketing for Solar Power Partners
ξ Suntech Energy Solutions designed and installed the array, which is part of Pasadena Water and Power's Pasadena Solar Initiative program

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yourDragonXi ~

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yourDragonXi ~ Nanosolar


Nanosolar Utility Panel
ξ specifically designed for utility-scale power plants
ξ features proprietary cell and panel design innovations
ξ that enable the panel product to have an entire factor more power and
ξ to carry 5-10 times more current than typical thin-film panels

Nanosolar SolarPly
ξ light-weight solar-electric cell foil which can be cut to any size
ξ non-fragile
ξ no soldering required for electrical contact
ξ available wholesale to strategic partners

Designed to last
ξ panels are rigorously tested to achieve a durability compatible with 25-year warranty
ξ components exposed to harsh outdoor environments such as the Arizona desert and the Antarctic
ξ accelerated lifetime testing is possible through specialized equipment that performs many –40°C to +85°C heat cycles per day,
ξ that exposes solar cells to intense UV light, and that exposes them to intense humidity.

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yourDragonXi ~ Southern California Edison

»Southern California Edison

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yourDragonXi ~ BrightSource Energy, Inc.

»BrightSource Energy, Inc.

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yourDragonXi ~ LADWP



approved two long-term solar power purchasing agreements
moved decisively to meet Los Angeles' renewable energy goals
agreements were for 460 megawatts of clean solar power
combined with a new LADWP-owned property that will support a 250 megawatt solar array planned in Kern County, CA ,
the three solar projects will provide enough green energy annually to serve approximately 283,000 Los Angeles households.
Los Angeles taking a major step in achieving its goals of 25% renewable power by 2016 and 33 percent by 2020.

The Board's action continues the transformation of the city's energy supply.
Long reliant on coal power, the two agreements move LADWP further away from dependence on fossil fuels and
toward cleaner, more sustainable and renewable energy sources.

In the next decade, LADWP to completely replace over 70% of its power supply to eliminate coal
through a combination of increased energy efficiency, expanding renewable energy to 33% by 2020,
completely eliminating the use of ocean water cooling at its three coastal power plants and
balancing the new energy mix with cleaner and more efficient natural gas, all while maintaining system reliability.

these commitments expected to create hundreds of green jobs,
to further bolster Los Angeles as a national leader in making the successful, cost-efficient transition to renewable energy
Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa: "We are shaking our fossil fuel addiction."

Department of Water and Power is on track to reduce its reliance on coal power and increase its supply of solar and other renewable energy,"
/Councilmember Jose Huizar, Chair of the City Council Energy and Environment Committee/
Altogether, these solar projects will prevent about 955,000 metric tons of carbon emissions from entering the atmosphere each year.
That is equivalent to removing 184,000 cars from the road annually.

The Board's action approved a 25-year contract with K Road Moapa Solar, LLC (K Road)
for up to 250 megawatts of power, representing about 706,650 megawatt-hours,
enough energy to power about 118,000 Los Angeles households.

LADWP will be the sole recipient of solar power from K Road,
which will be located on Moapa Band of Paiute Indians tribal land north of Las Vegas.

The second agreement approved by the Board is for 210 megawatts of power from the 250 megawatt Copper Mountain Solar 3 project
being developed by an affiliate of Sempra U.S. Gas and Power and is located near Boulder City, Nevada.
It will provide enough power to serve 70,000 Los Angeles homes.
Both projects are scheduled to be completed and will deliver solar power to Los Angeles by the end of 2016.
LADWP has options to own both projects on the 10th year of operation and every five years after that for the life of the agreements.

These solar projects to be among the largest solar arrays in the U.S. and
demonstrate the city's leadership in moving away from harmful coal power to support public health and the environment
while meeting the state's strict renewable energy mandate," said City Councilmember Eric Garcetti,
Chair of the Council Jobs and Business Development Committee.

"The K Road and Copper Mountain 3 projects, along with a proposed LADWP-owned property
that will support a solar project in the California High Desert,
will represent over 7% of the total renewable energy goal of 33% by 2020,"
said LADWP General Manager Ronald O. Nichols.
"These are among the largest solar projects of any public utility in the nation and
a major step forward in our efforts to secure more renewable energy in a cost effective manner."

In a concurrent effort, LADWP has moved to acquire a 2,500-acre site from Beacon Solar LLC
to develop a 250-megawatt solar project adjacent to LADWP's Pine Tree Wind Plant and its Barren Ridge Switching Station in Kern County.
Acquisition of the property was approved in September by the Board of Water and Power Commissioners,
permitting is complete and the project is currently in escrow and expected to close by the end of 2012.

"This project is a perfect opportunity for large-scale solar that will create hundreds of green jobs in California," Nichols said.
"It will be cost effective because we are using the existing Barren Ridge Switching Station and
LADWP's nearby transmission lines that are being upgraded as part of the Barren Ridge Renewable Transmission Project to bring the power home to L.A."

The two agreements approved Thursday are the result of a competitive process initiated in January 2011 by SCPPA,
a non-profit joint powers agency whose members include 11 municipal utilities in Southern California.
Conforming to LADWP's long-term power plan, the projects meet LADWP's renewable portfolio standard (RPS) goals:

+ access to LADWP-owned transmission facilities and land;

+ diversity in terms of the type of resource and location;

+ flexibility for future ownership; use of proven technologies;

+ and regionally "clustered" to promote cost efficiency in operation and maintenance.

LADWP will purchase the solar power from both projects at a fixed price and a combined average of 9.4 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh).

Through the agreement with K Road, power will be delivered to Los Angeles along existing LADWP-owned transmission
from southern Nevada via the Crystal Substation, about 30 miles north of Las Vegas.
As part of the agreement, K Road will develop a short 5.5 mile transmission line from the project and
the Crystal Substation that will be owned by LADWP.

The Copper Mountain agreement provides LADWP with the bulk of the power produced by the solar power plant - 210 megawatts -
through an agreement with SCPPA. The City of Burbank will purchase the remaining 40 megawatts.
Power will be delivered from the plant to Los Angeles through the existing Marketplace Substation and transmission lines, which are operated by LADWP.

The agreements now move to the City Council for its consideration and approval.

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yourDragonXi ~ Solar City


ξ nationwide solar power to home and business

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yourDragonXi ~ Hypersolar


ξ develops technology to produce renewable hydrogen using sunlight and any source of water
ξ particle that can split water molecules under the sun, emulating the core functions of photosynthesis
ξ counts on auto manufacturers to manufacture hydrogen fuel cell cars

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yourDragonXi ~ UC Santa Barbara

»UC Santa Barbara
ξ environment research with the latest technology such as robotics
ξ to develop robots that could function in times of disaster in environments that would be harmful for humans

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