[000]~ Content
[001]~ Rigzone news
[002]~ Pipeline watch
[003]~ United States and Iraq
[004]~ EIA Data
[005]~ Global Policy Data
[006]~ Maps
[007]~ Radio
[008]~ News Papers
[009]~ Russia
[010]~ Consulting
[011]~ Business Reports
[012]~ Oil news
[013]~ Links
[014]~ Skylink
[015]~ Companies operating in Iraq
[016]~ Rebuilding
[017]~ USAID
[018]~ Export from US
[019]~ World Bank
[020]~ CIA Data
[001] ~ Rigzone news
Iraq to Up Southern Oil Output to 2.25 Million bpd by End 2006 /Rigzone/
~ Iraq has begun a plan to hike crude oil production from its southern oil fields to 2.25 million barrels a day
~ from the current 2 million b/d, the head of the country's South Oil Co.
~ company is implementing a project to increase export capacity at two Persian Gulf terminals
~ they have started a project to connect 100 producing oil wells in Rumala and West Qurana oil fields
~ work on the project is expected to finish by the end 2006
~ Southern oil output is expected to reach 2.25 million b/d by the end of 2006.
~ company is implementing several other projects such as the rehabilitation of oil wells and the drilling of new ones, financed by the Oil Ministry.
~ another project is to increase export capacities of the Basra and Khor al-Amya terminals
~ capacity of Basra terminal is currently around 1.6 million b/d,
~ while the capacity of the smaller Khor al-Amaya is only around 300,000 b/d.
~ Khor al-Amaya has been out of service since a fire two months ago.
~ Iraq exported an average of 1.66 million b/d from its southern oil fields in July.
~ Exports from northern oil fields have been shut down since July 7.
~ Persistent acts of sabotage to northern oil pipelines and
~ installations have kept the north oil exports shut down for most of 2006 and 2005.
~ Before the U.S.-led war, Iraq used to export around 800,000 b/d from its northern oil fields.
~ Fuji Oil
Iraq Looks for U.S. Oil Deals /Rigzone/
~ Iraq's oil minister met with executives from the nation's major oil companies,
hoping to lay the groundwork for future oil deals for his energy-rich but violence-ridden country.
~ Iraqi Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani conferred with representatives from nine oil companies
at the U.S. Energy Department's headquarters
~ to discuss how best to attract foreign investment soon to the war-ravaged country.
~ Exxon Mobil Corp.,
Shell Oil Co.,
Marathon Oil Co.,
BP America,
Anadarko Petroleum Corp.,
~ Occidental Petroleum Corp and
Hess Corp.,
along with Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman, attended the meeting.
~ Shahristani said he solicited advice about what Iraqis might want to include in a new hydrocarbon law,
~ which the government in Baghdad hopes to enact before the end of the year.
~ Several of the oil companies suggested Iraq's national oil company enter into joint venture agreements with foreign partners,
~ a business structure producers argue might encourage foreign companies to try doing business in Iraq despite the obvious risks.
~ Iraq was producing about 1.9 million barrels of oil a day in May 2006, compared with about 2.6 million before the war according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
~ That's because the country's energy infrastructure has been the target of attacks
-- about 315 between April 2003 and June 2006.
~ Iraq's largest oil pipeline, from the northern area of Kirkuk to the Turkish port of Ceyhan,
~ has been hit repeatedly and has operated only sporadically over the last three years.
~ In May, a fire destroyed much of the port facility at Khor al-Amaya, hampering Iraq's efforts to boost exports.
~ Iraq boasts the world's third-largest oil reserves and hopes to become the globe's largest oil producer.
~ Iraqi's current government hopes to avoid the mistakes made by former leader Saddam Hussein and
~ invest in a number of fields around the country rather than just a select few.
90% of Iraq Still Unexplored /Rigzone/
~ Only 10 percent of Iraq has been explored for oil and 60 percent of proven reserves are in undeveloped fields according to International Energy Agency
~ security concerns, corruption, sabotage, and political uncertainty are the problems
~ IEA forecast for Iraqi production capacity for the 5 years to 2011: average 2.5 million b/d
~ which is only slightly higher than current levels of 2 million b/d and 1.5 million b/d below the government's target
~ Hypothetical potential for capacity to reach levels between 3-4 mbd by 2011
~ Iraq's government plans for 4.0 mbd of capacity by 2010
~ challenges: the absence of an investment framework and ongoing lack of security
~ which plagues both export pipelines and domestic refineries
~ monthly report from the IEA: output/exports increased in June to their highest levels since October 2004
~ largely due to improved security on the northern pipeline to Ceyhan in Turkey.
~ Output rose to 2.08 million b/d in June and exports to 1.64 million b/d.
~ low costs and the technical capability of Iraqi engineers favored the development of the national industry
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[002] ~ Pipeline watch
Iraq Pipeline Watch
~ a bomb exploded near a gas station near Daura
~ attack on pipeline supplying petroleum products to a power plant near the Daura refinery cut capacity at the plant to 30%
~ riots broke out in Kirkuk, demonstrators set two gas stations and offices belonging to the national oil company on fire
~ a rocket-propelled grenade attack destroyed at least 18 fuel tankers in a convoy of 60 heading to Baghdad from Bayji
~ Rahim Ali Sudani, a director-general at the oil ministry, and his son were killed in a drive-by attack on their car
~ a bomb exploded on an oil pipeline in Bagman, about 16 miles northwest of Kirkuk
2005: - (from janaury to december)
~ attack on a pipeline from Kirkuk to Bayji
~ attack on a pipeline linking the southern cities of Karbala and Hillah, 46 miles south of Baghdad near the Musabayb power station
~ attack on gas pipeline 9 miles north of Tikrit.
~ attack on an oil pipeline running from northern fields to Bayji in the Safra area, 43 miles southwest of Kirkuk
~ attack on a gas pipeline in the Fatha area near Bayji
~ rocket attack on a gas pipeline that runs to Bayji near the Fatha production station
~ attack on an oil pipeline that runs to Bayji in the Zegheitoun area, 35 miles southwest of Kirkuk
~ attack on oil pipeline near Fatha
~ improvised explosive device detonated after midnight damaging an oil pipeline near Bayji and sparking a large fire
~ attack on a pipeline linking Kirkuk and the Daura refinery, near Samarra
~ rocket attack on pipeline complex near Fatha
~ a bomb blew off a section of a pipeline in Fatha
~ attack on pipeline in the al-Tharthar region 12 miles south of Samarra interrupted the flow of oil to the Bayji refinery
~ attack on oil pipeline connecting Bayji refinery to Daura refinery
~ attack on a cluster of eight pipelines west of Samarra connecting the Bayji and Daura refineries
~ attack on pipeline carrying crude oil from Kirkuk to Bayji
~ attack on a gas pipeline before dawn in Fatha, about 15 miles north of Bayji
~ rocket attack on a pipeline linking Kirkuk to Bayji
~ attack on oil pipeline at the al-Dibbis oil field 31 miles north of Kirkuk
~ attack on oil pipeline at al-Dibbis
~ attack on pipeline carrying crude from Kirkuk to Bayji near Fatha
~ attack on pipeline carrying crude from Kirkuk to Daura refinery
~ attack on pipeline near Fatha
~ attack on pipeline in the Bajwan area, northwest of Kirkuk
~ gunmen killed Colonel Ibrahim Ahmed in charge of pipeline security
~ late night attack on a pipeline connecting the Dibbis oil fields with Kirkuk
~ 10pm attack on gas pipeline to Bayji near Al-Safra 30 miles west of Kirkuk
~ attack on a gas pipeline that links Kirkuk to Dibbis
~ attack on pipeline near Samarra, 60 miles northwest of Baghdad
~ 1pm attack on oil pipeline feeding Al-Daura refinery near Jorf al-Sakhr, 35 miles south of Baghdad
~ attack on oil pipeline feeding the Daura refinery in Jorf al-Sakhr, 46 miles south of Baghdad
~ attack on oil pipeline connecting Bayji and Daura in Al-Tharthar, near Samarra
~ Rocket-propelled grenades were launched at a pipeline running from Kirkuk to Daura
~ attack on oil pipeline in Fatha which carries crude from Kirkuk to Bayji
~ attack on oil pipeline which connects Iraq northern oilfields with the Daura refinery
~ 9:00am attack on oil pipeline which carries crude from Kirkuk to Bayji. Repairs on the line had just been completed the day before.
~ attack on pipeline running through the Riyad area near Bayji
~ bomb on oil pipeline near Kirkuk killed an Iraqi oil security chief and eight of his men
~ attack near Fatha on oil pipeline from Kirkuk to the Bayji refinery
~ twin blasts at an internal oil pipeline near Kirkuk
~ insurgents blew up pumps used for domestic supplies near Bay Hassam, 19 miles west of Kirkuk.
~ attack on an oil pipeline that links northern Kirkuk oil fields to Baghdad. attack took place near Balad.
~ attack on an oil pipeline complex near Kirkuk.
~ a mortar round struck the Iraqi Oil Ministry complex in Baghdad.
~ three bombs were planted on different parts of the oil pipeline in Kirkuk's Dibiz district
~ attack on an oil pipeline near Bayji.
~ a bomb exploded at Iraq’s largest fertilizer plant in Basra, killing one person and wounding 23.
~ a bomb was planted near the oil ministry in central Baghdad.
~ an insurgent blew himself up as he tried to sabotage an oil pipeline near Kirkuk.
~ attack on the Athana pumping station that feeds the northern pipeline.
~ attack on pipeline in the western outskirts of Baghdad.
~ 8 a.m. attack on pipeline between Kirkuk and the Dibis refinery, about 30 miles west.
~ saboteurs blew up a main oil pipeline near Kirkuk.
~ saboteurs opened connections between two pipelines near the Bayji refinery causing oil spill.
~ 8:00 p.m. saboteurs blew up a major oil pipeline five miles east of the Bayji refinery.
~ insurgents blew up a pipeline near Baghdad that transports crude oil between Bayji and Daura.
~ attack on pipeline carrying crude from Kirkuk to Bayji, near al-Fathah.
~ attack on oil pipleline leading from Kirkuk to Ceyhan.
~ pipeline linking the southern fields around Basra to Daura. The attack took place near Yusifiyah.
~ attack on pipeline in southwestern Baghdad.
~ attack on a natural gas pipeline linking storage facilities in Yousfiyah, south of Baghdad, to a plant in Baghdad.
~ attack on a key feeder pipeline that leads to the Daura refinery.
~ mortar attack on the Daura oil refinery hit a pipeline attached to one of the reservoirs.
~ attack on an oil pipeline that connects Bayji and Baghdad.
~ 6:00 a.m. a roadside bomb exploded under the pipeline that goes from Kirkuk to the Daura refinery.
~ late night attack on oil pipeline between Mahmoudiyeh and Latifiyehin in southern Iraq.
~ insurgents incinerated an oil pipeline west of Samarra.
~ two Iraqi security personnel were killed and three wounded by mortar fire near Bayji while guarding an oil pipeline.
~ a bomb hit an oil pipeline conecting Bayji and Kirkuk. A gas pipeline that supplies Bayji power station was also damaged
~ a bomb on a railway line hit a train carrying oil products near Baghdad, causing a huge fire.
~ an explosion damaged a pipeline used for shipping fuel to a Baghdad power plant north of the capital.
~ three explosions set ablaze a pipeline near Kirkuk.
~ Gunmen killed two employees of Iraq's Ministry of Oil and wounded two others.
~ An engineer and five guards were kidnapped while they were repairing an oil pipeline in Taji, 12 miles north of Baghdad.
~ attack on a major line between Bayji and Baghdad stopped electricity supply to the capital.
~ Insurgents sabotaged an exporting oil well north of Kirkuk.
~ bomb beneath an oil pipeline supplying the Daura oil refinery in Baghdad, causing an hour-long fire.
~ rebels fired a mortar at Iraq's oil ministry building in Baghdad.
~ commander of a unit protecting Iraq's oil pipeline network, was assassinated in front of his home in Kirkuk as he was leaving for work.
~ an explosion on oil pipeline 2.5 miles from Fatha, stopping oil flow from Kirkuk to Ceyhan after insurgents ignited an oil leak.
~ oil pipeline connecting Bayji and Baghdad was set on fine west of Samarra.
~ an explosion on the line from Khanaqin to the al-Daura refinery.
~ two policemen were killed when a bomb targeted a vehicle for the north oil pipeline protection forces.
~ attack on a cluster of pipelines north of Kirkuk near Dibis. The attack was followed by fire in the valves complex.
~ attack on an oil tanker carrying fuel to the US Army.
~ attack on pipeline from Kirkuk to Ceyhan.
~ fire broke out in an oil pipeline that carries oil from Daura refinery to Latifyia.
~ attack on an oil pipeline near al-Daura
~ a bomb attack in Baghdad on the motorcade of Iraq's oil minister Ibrahim Bahr al-Uloum, who was heading to Bayji.
~ attack on an oil pipeline near the Kirkuk refinery.
~ bomb attack wounded six oil ministry guards.
~ gunmen shot dead five oil ministry security guards.
~ major power cuts have caused intermittent suspension of oil production from oil fields in the south of the country.
~ attack on an oil pipeline at Al-Ishaqi village south of Samarra.
~ attack on a major pipeline that links Kirkuk to Bayji. The bombing took place less than 24 hours after the epipeline was reopened.
~ 10:00a.m. mortar attack on on a network of oil and gas pipelines 40 miles west of Kirkuk. 16 pipelines cought fire.
~ insurgents blew up a bomb under the oil pipeline at al-Malha village east of Hemrin mountains, near Bayji.
~ Bayji refinery was shut after insurgents threatened truck drivers transporting petrol.
~ attack on a pipeline in Jurf Sakher area on the outskirts of Hillah, 60 miles south of Baghdad.
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[003] ~ United States and Iraq
US Department of State
Bush to Seek Extra $90 Billion for Wars, Gulf Coast /Washington Post/
~ an additional $70 billion to continue waging wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
with $50 billion already authorized, supplemental military funding for 2006 totals $120 billion
~ separately, administration will request seeking $439.3 billion for fiscal 2007,
~ budget request includes $84.2 billion for weapons systems, or roughly an 8 percent increase over the 2006 budget
~ bulk of $70 billion in military spending would be spent on operations
including pay and benefits for reservists, fuel, and spare parts
~ a growing percentage, however, would be used to overhaul or replace worn-out equipment and
to buy additional gear to protect against roadside bomb attacks
~ $70 billion comes on top of an estimated $320 billion spent since 2001 on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
~ cost of U.S. military operations -- excluding procurement of equipment --
is running at $4.5 billion a month in Iraq and $800 million in Afghanistan
Iraq war may cost US $2.6 trillion /ABC News Online/
~ Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph E Stiglitz and Harvard lecturer Linda Bilmes
~ have included disability payments for the 16,000 wounded US soldiers,
about 20 per cent of whom suffer serious brain or spinal injuries.
~ Professor Stiglitz and Ms Bilmes say US taxpayers will be burdened with costs that linger long after the country's troops withdraw.
~ they estimate, that cost will exceed $US1 trillion
~ study says unforeseen costs include recruiting to replenish a military drained by multiple tours of duty,
~ slower long-term US economic growth and health care bills for treating long-term mental illness suffered by war veterans
~ study cites US Army statistics showing about 30 per cent of troops have developed mental health problems
within three to four months of returning from Iraq
~ Professor Stiglitz and Ms Blimes have included economic cost of higher oil prices,
a bigger US budget deficit and greater global insecurity caused by the Iraq war
~ they say a portion of the rise in oil prices - about 20 per cent of the $US25-a-barrel gain in prices since the war began
can be attributed directly to the conflict.
~ that has already cost the US about $US25 billion
~ projection of a total cost of $A2.6 trillion assumes US troops stay in Iraq until 2010 but with steadily declining numbers each year
~ Professor Stiglitz and Ms Blimes project number of troops there in 2006 at about 136,000
~ US has 153,000 troops in Iraq
~ Pentagon spokeswoman Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel Roseann Lynch says Iraq war is costing $US4.5 billion monthly
~ that is military "operating costs", not including procurement of new weapons and equipment
~ war in Iraq has said to cost $US173 billion so far
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[004] ~ EIA Data
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[005] ~ Global Policy Data
Oil in Iraq
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[006] ~ Maps
Key Maps by BBC
Baghdad in detail by Hot Maps
Baghdad by EOSAT
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[007] ~ Radio
Baghdad Radio
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[008] ~ News Papers
Kurdish Post
Iraq Photos
Iraq Updates
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[009] ~ Russia
LUKoil gets back lucrative Iraqi oil contract
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[010] ~ Consulting
The Future of the Iraqi Oilfields by Amiraq
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[011] ~ Business Reports
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[012] ~ Oil news
International Oil Companies are Rushing to Invest in Iraq
~ officials in the Iraqi oil sector says that many oil fields have been discovered in the south, center, north of Iraq and they are ready to be developed
~ Energy Committee in the Iraqi Government is writing down the final draft of the gas and oil law
~ which is expected to be passed on to the Parliament before end of 2006
~ new law will found a new Iraqi national oil company supervising the activities of the oil sector
~ Iraqi Ministry of Oil will supervise the planning for the oil sector and design the oil policies
~ establishing of the new Company was already suggested two years ago by the ex-minister of Iraqi Oil, Thamir Al-Ghadhban
~ previous Iraqi National Oil Company was converted to a ministry run by the ex-dictator Saddam Husain in 1987
~ role of new Company will concentrate on: determining the important decisions and policies, strategic planning for the Iraqi Oil industry
~ as well as dealing with international relations and oil investments which include production, exportation and excavation
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[013] ~ Links
All Iraq links busted !
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[014] ~ Skylink
Sky Link Aviation
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[015] ~ Companies operating in Iraq
SSA Marine
GE Power
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[016] ~ Rebuilding
Building a Foundation of Freedom
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[017] ~ USAID
Assistance for Iraq
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[018] ~ Export from US
Iraq Investment and Reconstruction Task Force
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[019] ~ World Bank
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[020] ~ CIA Data
~ see CIA/ Iraq
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